
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Rhino Antics by Sio

The Auckland Zoo is a great environment for rhinos because it is safe. They also have a great habitat with rocks, logs, dirt, sand and mud to play in. Rhinos could also see the tall giraffes in front of them. The zoo keepers feed them with grass, leaves or sometimes they just let them hunt for their food in the enclosure to keep them exercised and fit. In the wild humans are their only predators. Females get a lot of attention by males because they fight against each other to see who would win the female. When a female gives birth she would never let the baby rhino wonder off by itself even though its five years old. Rhinos have been living here for about 7 million years. They are herbivores which mean they eat plants. They live in Africa but mostly in the Southern of Sahara.


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