
Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Life Style Of A Lion.By Kaylani

At the Auckland Zoo the lions have a habitat that is similar to the wild .It is surrounded with water and has a lot of grass and trees.The lion's habitat also has unusual objects to keep them amused. The zoo keeper feeds the lions 3-4 meals a day.Their habitat is surrounded by gates so the lions will not escape .In the wild lions live in South Africa and the Savannah. Lions live in prides and the alpha male lion relies on the female lions to hunt and bring food back to the pride while he his protecting his territory away from intruders.They are carnivores so they hunt and eat springboks,buffalo and other mammals. The pride contain 3-30 individuals. The pride will be made up of females that are related to each other and males that are related to each other but not to the females .Female lions stay in the pride that they have been born into and the males are expelled when they have reached maturity.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kaylani, you have posted a good paragraph about the lions on what they eat and their habitat.

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